Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Favorite Time of Year.

My favorite time of year is Autumn!!

    Cheryl and I took a Sunday drive last fall and went
sightseeing near Tahlequah in Eastern Oklahoma. It
was a lovely day and I made her stop at every pull
out to check out the view along theIllinois river. This
is the first oil painting I've done from the reference
photos I took that day. It's title is "Around the Bend"
and it is 12" x 24".

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

En Plein Air

    I went plein air painting with another Tulsa artist this morning.
We met at the river and jumped right into painting. It started
to rain fairly hard while I was painting my first piece (pictured on
the left above). This was my first time painting in the rain while
using oils. It definitely added another degree of difficulty to the
painting. It took a little over an hour to finish this one.

    I jumped right into my next painting (pictured on the right). It
went a little more smoothly probably because the rain had stopped.
It took about 55 minutes to finish this one. I haven't painted in
plein air for a while so I'm a little rusty but all in all I'm fairly
satisfied with my results.

Monday, August 22, 2011

My first national magazine exposure.

    I've been a member of the Oklahoma Society of Impressionists
for about a year. We have an exhibit currently showing at the
Gaylord-Pickens Oklahoma Heritage Museum in Oklahoma City.
The exhibit is featured on page 200 of the Western Art Collector
July issue. I feel fortunate the magazine decided to use two of
my pieces in the article.

California Dreamin

    My wife Cheryl and I lived in Southern California for a couple
of years when we first meet. We have so many fond memories
of living there. I often think about the ocean and the beautiful
sunsets we enjoyed together. My newest oil painting depicts one
of the sunsets we saw in Orange County. It's title is "Last Light"
and it is 12" x 24".

Saturday, August 20, 2011

My first blog entry.

Welcome to my blog. 

    This blog will give me an opportunity to keep those of you
interested in my work better up to date. It will also provide
me an opportunity to showcase my newest paintings and
let you know about any events I'm participating in. 

    I hope you find my posts interesting and feel free to leave