Friday, December 20, 2019

I’ve recently been asked by more than one person if I project my pictures that I paint. The answer is a BIG no. In my opinion (tracing, using an art-o-graph, lucy or projector) is something a fine artist shouldn’t do (with the exception of blowing up a drawing). If you start a painting after projecting or tracing the outlines, than your finished painting is no different than a piece of glorified coloring book art. Except for the fact you’re not using crayons but a more professional medium it’s exactly like what a child does when he buys a coloring book and fills in the lines.
A good drawing is the foundation of a good representational painting. It’s arguably as important as any of the other elements that make a good painting. Anyone who’s ever tried to paint before quickly realizes how important the initial drawing is. Learning how to draw is hard and takes most people a lot of study and practice to accomplish. A lot of great artists I know carry a sketch book and are constantly practicing their drawing. It’s something good artists are always trying to get better at. I’d also argue that a great drawing maybe isn’t as accurate as a projected image but has much more life to it. There’s a certain flair to a good drawing that carries over to make a good painting.
As a person who makes a living making fine art paintings it’s hard to compete against artists who use projectors. I’ve never once heard a projector artist tell their client they use one. If I were buying a painting I’d sure like to know. I’ve watched artists who I know use one become much more famous than me and beat me out of juried shows (they never inform the shows they use a projector). Also because they don’t spend their time drawing they produce more work (a good drawing takes more time).
 If you use a projector I’d encourage you to stop and actually take the time to learn to draw. I’ll bet you’ll be much more proud of your finished paintings and you might even like them better. The honesty will show through in your work and you’ll have a much better chance of finding that distinctive style you’ve been looking for. Like handwriting the way people draw is very individual. That’s something that is lost when you use a projector.

P.S. I should say that up until 2007 I considered myself very adept at drawing. Unfortunately I contracted Ramsey Hunt Syndrome and the nerves in my ear didn’t heal the same. I’ve had bad vertigo and funky depth perception since. This makes drawing much harder for me. It would be so much easier to use a projector but I haven’t let myself, Even though my drawing ability isn’t as good as it used to be I’m still proud of the way most of my paintings turn out.